April 12th at First Second Friday Concerts at Coho:
Jay Mankita
Hey everyone, this time I’m talking about myself, because I’m the featured artist on April 12th. Because I help Rob run the series, I don’t feel right taking your money, so it’s a free concert this time, following a potluck. Doors open at 6. Potluck runs from 6:30 to 7:30, then the concert. I hope to see you there. I realize that after 16 years of living in the Valley, there are some of you who don’t know my music – possibly because I hardly ever gig anymore, so here’s a link to a youtube page with a bunch of my songs.
(the playlist for all the songs is on the upper left hand corner of this first video)
I’ll be singing some of my own songs, along with some favorite collected ones. Be prepared to be entertained, and to sing along, too. We’re the cheapest game in town that night, so bring your friends!
My jaymankita.com website is down right now, so if you really want to know more about me, where I’ve played, who I’ve played with, who sings my songs, who says what about me, and what color my dog is, you’re kind of out of luck this time, but if you come to the show, you’ll probably end up knowing more about me than you need to know anyway!
Other than that, there are a bunch of videos of me singing my songs on the youtube playlist. Please check them out!
Also, if you use facebook, please talk to the facebook event here and let it know you are coming if you are, and what food you’re bringing, if you are.
See you then, I hope!